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User talk:Tyler Busby

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Update to "OEIS sequences needing factors"

Hi! I see that you updated the page OEIS sequences needing factors, however you did not coordinate the changes with the corresponding OEIS entries. For example, your update says "A104359 C176 A104357(151) ...", but sequence A104359 still lacks terms for n=146..150. Please update all the corresponding sequences in the OEIS accordingly. The purpose of OEIS sequences needing factors is to reflect the current state of the OEIS entries, and so it should not disagree about what terms are actually needed in the OEIS. - Max Alekseyev (talk) 14:02, 9 February 2023 (EST)

  • My apologies! That was the first time I had edited the page without making a corresponding update to the sequence, there were two reasons. One, because I only have three draft slots (and there are about 5 related sequences that could be updated) and two, because I wasn't sure uploading a b-file after finding only one or two of the terms was worthwhile, as I think all the b-file versions live forever. I'll just revert those specific changes to the page for the time being, but didn't want anybody to waste effort attempting to factor those numbers when they were already factored on FactorDB. In the case that I've found factors, but am unable to/haven't edited the sequence yet, should I note that in any specific way on the page? - Tyler Busby (talk) 18:43, 9 February 2023 (EST)
  • If you cannot update the sequences yourself for some reason, I'd recommend you to propose suggested changes at the talk page talk:OEIS sequences needing factors and let someone else to make them consistently. - Max Alekseyev (talk) 16:29, 10 February 2023 (EST)